Sunday, August 9, 2015

Weekend To Do List:

weekend to do

Happy Sunday, kids! Not going to lie, I kind of wish I could have another few days off. This week was a bit of a killer, including a business trip on Thursday that I was dreading. You know what's not fun? Getting up at before dawn to leave for your 7am flight and realizing at 4:45 that you can't find your car key. Whoops.

Anyway, here's how my weekend played out:

1. My endless Thursday trip seemed all the more painful because all I really wanted to do was be home watching The Daily Show marathon leading up to Jon Stewart's final episode. Mother Nature, air traffic control, or other annoying forces conspired against me and I didn't walk through the door until 11:30, but through the magic of DVR I was able to get caught up. It was a beautiful episode, though more than a bit heartbreaking. 

Maybe one day I'll write more, but you would be hard-pressed to find a bigger fan of the show than me. I've been watching since episode one and while I quickly grew tired of Craig Kilborn (turns out the asshole character wasn't really a character), I was so excited to see Jon take over and I watched as he turned the show into one of the most important forces of news and social commentary in the world. Save for one power outage and a couple of DVR mishaps I've never missed an episode, and for a long time, I never shut up about what a brilliant show it was (by the mid 2000's everyone else seemed to figure it out). I've been to TDS tapings, and I took an Amtrak train down to DC for the Rally to Restore Sanity because Jon asked me to. I've never really been an adult without Jon Stewart helping me make sense of the world, and I am incredibly sad that I will not have that 11pm therapy session to look forward to anymore. 

2. So, about that lost key. After about 30 minutes of panicked searching, I got the sense that my keys were truly not in my house. I needed to get to the airport, so I dug up my spare house key and called a cab (oy, my bank account was not happy about that). When I got home on Thursday night I resumed the search, hoping that I'd just overlooked them in my bleary early morning condition, but no luck. By Friday morning I realized they weren't coming back, so I called a locksmith to come out and make a new key for me (sadly, this is not the first time I've had to do that...). I'm lucky that my key doesn't have a fancy security chip and is (relatively) inexpensive to copy. Still, between the cab rides and the pop-a-lock service, this little mishap cost me about $350. 

And where did my keys end up, you may be asking? My best guess is that I accidentally threw them out with the trash the previous night (because they were definitely in my house on Thursday night, and I didn't go anywhere). That probably sounds ridiculous, but as someone who has thrown her cell phone down the trash chute and lost an ATM card by throwing it in the garbage at the mall, that is actually the most logical explanation. I am now the owner of lots of sets of extra keys.

3. I was feeling super lazy on Saturday so I slept in and then ran a few easy errands. One was a Target run, which was surprisingly dangerous thanks to the hoards of back-to-school shoppers. I did have fun browsing and picking up some fun new supplies for myself (who doesn't love highlighters and cute notebooks?). I can remember spending hours searching the stores for just the right supplies as a child because all of the options were so ugly and plain. Target has aisles and aisles of the cutest, most glittery school supplies you've ever seen. Super jealy.

4. Saturday night I rallied and made myself look relatively cute for a fun birthday dinner. The food was great, but the cake did not have nearly enough sprinkles on it/in it.

5. Finally, a fun bit of news -- I am a member of Yelp Elite for 2015! (If you aren't familiar, the Elite Squad is a kind of fun perk for active Yelp members -- they plan all kinds of fun events at great restaurants and hot spots around town). I have lots of friends who are Elite and they have a blast -- Orlando is a huge town, so I love getting to explore and play. If you're not a Yelper, you might want to consider it -- Yelp can be an incredibly helpful resource and also a great little community!

I'm finishing off the evening with a little quality time with my couch, my DVR, and my furry friend -- see you on the other side!

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