Monday, June 1, 2015

Florida Girl Problems

florida girl problems

Since moving to Florida I've had to make some adjustments to my beauty routine to combat some of the less than pleasant effects of a, let's say, "challenging" climate. Central Florida is well known for abundant sun, plenty of heat, and ungodly amounts of humidity. These extreme conditions definitely take a toll -- I'm not going to lie, in the first few months of my life as a Floridian I had some days that were just incredibly un-cute. 

After some good advice from new friends and a bit of trial and error, I've found some miracle products that help me look and feel good under the most extreme I'd thought I do a quick roundup. Even if you don't live in the Sunshine State you might be headed out on a tropical vacation or just gearing up for summer to come to your corner of the world, and having a few of these products tucked away in your medicine cabinet will help keep you looking and feeling fresh as a daisy:

Neutrogena UltraSheer Sunscreen Stick ($11) -- This Snow White definitely fears the sun and it's incredibly damaging rays. I learned early on that I have to be really diligent about slathering on the sunblock before spending time outside, but on some of the hotter and sweatier days, I needed more. I wasn't keen on the idea of reapplying that thick pasty liquid sunblock on top of makeup, sweat, etc., but then I found this genius little stick. You can keep it tucked in your purse or car and apply the solid sunblock directly to the areas that are feeling exposed -- no goopy mess, plenty of protection.

Lush Vanilla Dusting Powder ($7) -- this is genius. A finely milled talcum powder with a light vanilla scent. Just dab it in any places that you normally get a bit sweaty (I like a couple of puffs in my bra to keep the girls nice and fresh) and you're good to go. 

Monistat Chaffing Relief Powder-Gel ($11) -- OK, stick with me on this one. I first heard about it on a running forum where talk had turned to some of the uncomfortable side effects of skin-on-skin contact while sweating, but chaffing can happen to anyone under the right circumstances. This miracle product is just the thing you want if you have some raw, tender spots -- you apply the gel, which has a powdery finish, and the healing begins almost instantly. Ahhhh....

Phytodefrisant ($28) -- this old favorite has become my hair's new best friend. Apply a bit to wet hair before drying to prevent moisture from ruining your blow out. Listen, this isn't going to save you if you get caught in a downpour, but it really helps prevent your hair from turning to cotton candy on those withering humid days.

Wet n Wild Color Icon Bronzer ($4) Confession: until fairly recently, I was a bronzer virgin. Never used the stuff, never thought I needed to (did I mention I'm pale, pale, pale?). But after moving here, I found myself feeling a bit dull. A bit pasty. I wanted a pick me up, and I came across a beauty product discussion in the comment section of good old Jezebel. This super cheap product came up again and again so I decided to give it a shot. I loved it immediately -- I chose the lightest shade and it just adds a hint of color and glow in all the right places. I'm thinking about experimenting with some fancier brands, but for now I'm happy with this little bargain.

Essie Clambake ($9) -- Now that my toes are almost always on display, pedicures have gone from a fun luxury to must-have maintenance. I'm too lazy/cheap to go to the salon every month, so I've had to learn a bit of DIY action -- a little buffing, a little clipping, and a nice thick cream do the trick. When it comes to the polish I am a loyal Essie girl -- they have the most vibrant colors and the polish stays chip-free and glossy for days. One of my all-time favorites is Clambake, a saucy little orange-red shade -- amazingly flattering on so many skin tones and packs a good punch of summer fun.

Do you have any special products in your summer beauty routine? Let me know -- I still have room on my shelf for a few more goodies!

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