So January...was a month. Hard to even know where to begin, but this was a bit of an updside-down, inside out month from hell. I got a promotion and work sort of exploded. There were many days that I worked from the time I got up all the way until I went to bed (one of the downsides of working from home), there were several business trips, there were endless conference calls. On average, I ate lunch about once a week. On top of that, I've had a different set of friends or family in town each week (group #4 arrives on Saturday!) and so I've been trying to squeeze in dinners, late night Shake Shack runs, fireworks viewings. It has been at times fun, at times frustrating, always exhausting. There hasn't been much of a break. I can't remember when I did laundry last. Most of my toiletries are in various 1 quart ziplock bags. My dog is feeling pretty neglected. I have consumed way too much Chipotle.
But, you did not come here for a laundry list of first world problems. Let's talk about pretty clothes and feel better!
So somehow in the midst of all of this busy-ness, I found a little release in the form of stress shopping (January sales + raise = oops). So the theme for this month is budget shmudget. Also, clearly, black and white.
Starting budget: $224 -- $200 monthly + $24 credit for one of my purchases last month (J. Crew sent the wrong color #sadface #andalsoafirstworldproblem)

clockwise from l to r:
Limited Striped Trench Coat ($64, on sale) -- I've been eyeing this all month as it is just one of those pieces that feels very "me". I love a good trench (and I don't currently have one), and the stripes are classic but interesting. I haven't received it yet, but I know I'll love it -- The Limited has consistently good quality, and I was happy to snag a 60% off/free shipping deal.
Kate Spade Lace Tee ($51, on sale) -- mine is from the outlet but it is virtually identical to this one. This is one of a few things that I'd fallen in love with at the KS outlet last month and I swung by early on New Year's Eve to find a very happy little 60% off sale. With dark jeans, this is my new weekend go-to outfit.
Banana Republic Geo Lace Ruffle Top ($30 on sale, used gift card) -- my weakness is super pretty, super feminine tops and this one fits the bill. Used a gift card I've had forever when this finally went on a nice sale.
Nordstrom Cashmere Poncho ($100, on sale) -- a super cozy working from home staple (that I can even wear on the few times I interact with other humans).
J. Crew Contrast Lace Floral Skirt ($50, on sale) -- I don't wear a ton of skirts but this one is so pretty, and perfect for work and play.
Gap 1969 Authentic Flare Jeans ($30, on sale) -- an impulse buy, I love a flare jean and these have just a little extra drama.
Kate Spade Striped Bow Shirt ($30, on sale) -- I mean...
Chelsea28 Sequin Pants ($54, on sale) -- this is my second pair of sequin pants in as many months. I guess my New Year's resolution was to have a very sparkly bottom half.
Not pictured:
Anthropologie First Snow Infinity Scarf (multi and dark red, $17 each) -- I really loved this scarf, I couldn't resist picking up two for a song.
Kate Spade Eryn Wool Coat, Navy ($200) -- I can't find a photo of this coat online and that is a damn shame. It. is. gorgeous. A classic navy single-breasted peacoat with an oversized feminine lapel, slightly puffed sleeves, a little sparkle in the form of gold hardware. Similar to this
tomato red version. Oh, it is pretty. This is also from the KS outlet -- I'm rarely impressed by the bags, but the clothes can be quite good. I can't wait to wear it with a big blanket scarf and red mittens.
Total: $613 ($389 over budget)
I decided to start tracking my spending as a way to understand my shopping habits and hold myself accountable, but I knew I would have months that were...less than perfect. Next month I'm planning a shopping fast (last year I did it in January), and thus the Libra in me is OK with this kind of balance.
So two quick notes...
One, I'm linking up with
Fran and the budget bloggers as usual, because they are bad influences and help me find more things to buy :)
Two, I'm going to be closing up shop here with this post. This blog has been so much fun, but I'm finding that spending so much time looking at and thinking about clothes has brought out a bit of a greedy grabby consumer side of myself. I don't have the income to support my inner shopping demon's habit. But! When one door closes, a window opens and that window will be...a new blog :) It will be a bit more broad in nature -- more food, decor, travel, and cultural stuff (and a little bit of fashion, of course). More details soon...